
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:07:18
I am going to visit Beijing.(Beijing 划线)为什么只能用which place 提问 Are everybody having a good time?哪错了 英语翻译翻译一下下面那些词语要官方的正式的标准的...——————我是分隔线————————申请人家庭成员情况表家庭主要成员情况户主其他成员民族籍贯学历服务处所汉族填表时 特急!25分帮我翻译一句话.特急!非常希望能给我这次机会.(面试用语)帮我注一下关键词的假名,谢谢. 英语翻译“如果你不怕困难,心中没有恐惧,得到朋友的支持,你的梦想可以实现!你一定能做到!”把这一句话翻译成英语, 为什么umbrella前面不加an加a She _ ___ there with you A.never will goes B.will never goes C.never will go uniform 前加的是a还是an ,哪umbrella 呢 ( )blue umbrella ( )里是填a还是an? Sussy never goes to the cinema.because she ( )(like)movies umbrella,administrater前用a还是用an用an读起来顺口些,书上也说用an但是他们以元音字母开头并不是用an的原因所在有人说是根据他们的发音(音标)中有圆音音素那我就搞不懂他们的音标是咋个和圆 She never goes home until all her newspapers _ out.A.sell B.will be sold C.will sell D.are sold sell不是主动表被动吗? I have_____beautiful umbrella 括号里是加a还是an 英语翻译 sweep all before me 英语翻译Right now He's probably slow dancing With a bleached-blond tramp And she's probably getting frisky...Right now He's probably buying her some Fruity little drink Cause she can't shoot whiskey...Right now He's probably up behind her With a fill the bowl 70%-80%full with bone soup.the bowl为什么不在full后? 英语 英语翻译 英语不会怎么办! 我不会英语怎么办 上海外滩的万国建筑群分别是什么风格的建筑,用处是什么?怎样才能进去参观? 求助大学英语练习题正确答案(卷如下)1.I had to stop running for a few minutes to _____.A.catch my breathB.stop breathingC.grow upD.breathe out2.The Smiths won't come _____ you invite them in advance.A.onceB.unlessC.becauseD.so3.____ 求助该大学英语练习正确答案(卷如下)做了几次都无法做全对,又不知道错在哪题,求正解1.It _____ us an hour to find out who saved the child.A.costB.spentC.paidD.took2.I could _____ believe that he worked so _____ ther people----breathe when they are under water(横线上应填什么) This plant lives (under the water).[对括号部分提问] ( )( )( )live? “广告招商手册”翻译成英文怎么说?如题 你今天都在干嘛?用英语怎么说? 英语比较差,求告诉这些英语错在哪,怎么修改.好让我自己订正1.Either parents nor teachers believe that children should be given too much homework.2.I was watching an exciting TV play until the screen went blank.3.What did you las 英语中我自己和我自己的有什么区别?一个是my self,还有一个是什么? 工程热线翻译成英文是什么 用一根绳子,怎么才能把自己绑起来,急!要原创的.留下你的联系方式,方便我找到你。