
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:49:55
The famous novel is said _____ into Chinese.11The famous novel is said _____ into Chinese.选项:a、to have translated b、 to be translate c、 to have been translated d、 to translate the essay ____ into Chinese reads wella translated b having been translated c translating d been translated为什麽阿? 求翻译.The novel is believed to have been translated into Chinese. The novel is believed to have been translated into Chinese.为什么不是 to has been translated into...英语太久不学忘得差不多了,尽量讲明白点唤醒我沉睡的记忆. If an excellent Chinese novel is translated into English,_______means many more people in the worldA.asB.which C.whatD.that我知道答案选dthat 可以代指前面一句话,那么为什么which不可以,老师不是说that不能放逗号后面吗? I haven‘t finished reading the novel you lent me last week!高考口试中的快速回答 这句应该怎么回答? Have you finished reading the novel I lent you last week?No.I’ve just gone______the second line oA.as long asB.as much asC.as far asD.as many as选哪个?为什么? wang ling lent me a novel to read in the bus这里的me a novel和to read分别是什么语啊?一句话可以有几个宾语啊? this novel is different from ( )read last week A.that B.which C.whatthis novel is different from ( )I read last weekA.that B.which C.what The novel is different from( )I read last week A that B which C what我知道选C,what 作read 的宾语.但是that不也是代词吗?是否可以代指那”令一本小说“呢?选A行不行呢? “实现”英语怎么说用come造句 实现用英语怎么说急 "也许我能帮你实现"用英语怎么说 我想我就能做到 你也一样 用英语怎么说 我做到了用英语怎么说?我该听谁的…… 英语翻译Suppose that 387 people wil travel on a space shuttle with room for 420 people,Each compartment seats 14 people before the next compartment opens.How many people will ride in the last compartment that opened? 英语数学问题,翻译并分析,谢谢!A square with a side of length 4 inches is divided into squares having sides of length 1 inch.Three of the small square are labeled A, 5 are labeled B, 4 are labeled C, 2 are labeled D, and the remainder are 英语翻译If jellybeans cost $1.60 per pound,and there are 7 jellybeans in an ounce,how much would 35 jellybeans cost? 英语翻译我只要英汉字典,不要双解的,要求释义精确、简明、多样.不要电子词典,要纸质的,陆谷孙的除外. 历史上第一本英汉字典是怎么翻译过来的? 初中生看什么书籍可以提高英语成绩? 有没有适合高中生读的英语书,有助提高成绩的那种, 高中生提高英语比较有效的书有哪些?主要是自学类的 新概念英语词汇全四册 免费版背单词 有声英汉字典怎么样 我是高中生想要提高英语,买什么书能提高 英汉字典怎么用啊..wo 很多单词都读不出来 用英汉字典能知道吗. 怎么用英汉字典 英汉字典怎么样 英语成绩如何提高 英语如何提高成绩啊?我语法学不好啊,该怎么办?.o(╯□╰)o 英语翻译现在英语课本的单词后面都有中文意思,我想知道这个中文意思最早是怎么来的,有什么根据.为什么food的中文意思一定要是食物,不能是垃圾呢?我特别想知道这样翻译的理由是什么. 如何快速提高英语成绩