
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:38:09
There are three million people in the small city的同义句是什么 In the past,my hometown was very small.people there lived a poor life and the houses were very可以把全文翻译一遍吗At the same time ,I will always keep it in mind that my hometown must be greater in the future. The bedroom is small, three people cannot sleep in it 这句话对么? ”我已经受不了了”和九大行星分别用英语怎么说? I was born in China.为什么要加was I was born in China的同义句. I was born in China in December 怎么读 Qu Yuan was born about two thousand years ago in China? ________ and ______ was Qu Yuan born.急! Peter was born twenty years ago in China(划线部分在twenty years ago in China)------- and --------was Peter born? more and more 同义词替换要高级一点的用法 考研作文用的 one more 的同义词 一个空 请问:太阳系九大行星,用英语分别怎么写?九大行星,各自的英语名称是怎么写的?谢谢! 我姓吕,名字中有琪字,女,请给取个英文名,最好2,3音节能不能特别一点的,含义好的,然后Amber,Nicole,Becky我知道的比较喜欢,帮我选一下或再帮我补充几个吧, 用上两个表示颜色是词语写一句话 表示颜色的词语写一段话请用天蓝 火红 雪白 嫩绿 乌黑写成一段话 写一段话用上八个以上表示颜色的词. five more 和 more five有什么区别? I was born in New York,but I grew up in San Francisco.I began to live in London 25 years ago.If I am asked now where I want to live forever,I would say London.But I will always be American.San Francisco,like London,has many parks.Every day my sisters I was born in England in 1992.(对in England in 1992提问)() and () () you born? The twins were born in New York,but they_____________(grow up)in London. 根据“骄傲”一词的不同感情色彩写句子.褒义:贬义: My father is a good father and a___ my good friend. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 On my way home, I ___(meet) my good friend John. 一 照例子,将句子写的更具体.生动.二 例:桂花开了,十里飘香桂花开了,很远的地方就闻到香味1.这个足球场太小了.2.他的鞋真大.庆幸:反义词 严格( ) 同样的意思可以用不同的词表达求几个例子.要一个意思两个意思的词(组成句子) 用自豪一词写两个表示不同意思的句子 My aunt has a sister.She isn't my aunt.Who is she?A.my mother.B.my teacher.C.my friend.怎么回答呀 描写颜色多的词和句子 用适当介词填空 she is a friend____my sister's here's a nice picture_____you please call jim_____439用适当介词填空 she is a friend____my sister's here's a nice picture_____you please call jim_____495-3569watch means's ____chinesenow clas There( are )(a book)and (two pens)(on) the desk阔号中哪个错了 英语翻译我们应该与父母保持亦师亦友的关系.父母是我们的第一任导师,我们可以从他们身上学到为人处事的原则.在我们犯错误时,他们会给予批评,或许我们眼中的父母太严厉,但他们的初衷 There__a book and two pens on the desk just now.A.was B.were C.is D.are