
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:39:23
英语中,介词from与to的区分与用法在英语中的句子里,介词我经常乱套 有什么方法能区分好呢?还有in,on,at 的用法!怎样区分啊!说的明白些啊! There is a swing near the building怎么一般疑问句作否定回答 陈述句You are my teacher.如何变一般疑问句? There is munch g? near the building 填什么? There is_new building near the big hospital.A,an B,a C,the D,\请说出理由 飞向墨西哥阅读答案这只受了伤的黑脉金斑蝶为什么能重新加入蝴蝶群随便说点什么,我写好了,把悬赏分给了 《飞向墨西哥》阅读中的这只受了伤的黑脉金斑蝶为什么能够重新加入蝴蝶群? 小鸟,你飞向何方 《飞鸟集》是作者非常喜爱的书,文章也是围绕这一线索展开的.在下面的横线上填上恰当的词语,概括事件发展的过程.(2分)失书 → → →得书 18.题目中的“小鸟”被作者赋 After 3 day's rest.David is well enough to go to work这里为什么用well enough? Your help has been very valuable.help为什么不加s 八字成语,一人得道,( ).十年树木,( ).上天无路,( ).一人传虚,( ).宁为玉碎,( ).已所不欲,( ).出其不意,( ).生于忧患,( ). 彼得发现到世界各地旅游很有趣 英语翻译 peter ()() interesting ()()()()() 草地上的笼子有趣吗?翻译英文___the__on the____ _? 翻译句子:看来这是本很有趣的书.(用seem,the book,interesting) 英语翻译急, 大学英语三级翻译 The castle is the most interesting tourist attraction in the city You were my teacher.求一般疑问句 Are you my teacher怎样肯定回答 you gave your promise to me and i gave mine to you i need 能把那个the voice of china的歌曲也发给我吗? 邮箱:ki_ki1027@126.com About 古诗词ssa about在法语里是哪个词? 翻译there is a supermarket down the street 超市在街角处.翻译 The supermarket is __ __ __of the street. Are you ready?the teacher asked.变为一般疑问句 comply with 与obey的区别 I regret to say that I am not in a position to comply with your request.not in a position 是固定词组吗?还能怎么使用?请举个例子好吗 ready to comply with any orderin a hoarse voicewhere it did not getwere getting their nests ready .It is really difficult to comply with your request to shading the price. ready to comply with any orderand Maslova stepped out intowhere it did not gethe heart to peace 想去墨西哥湾的留鸟怎么做急 '旅鸟'成为'留鸟'