
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:14:29
My bag is different __yours,but it is the same __hers.A.with,with B.with,as C.form,as D.form,with Look,the iacket on the rack is ____ yours A.the same as B.same as C.the same with D.the same to seem like的具体用法 鸡的叫声,用几个字形容 请问小牛,小鸡的叫声分别用什么词来形容? 鸡蛋要多少天才能孵出小鸡 什么样子的蛋才能孵出小鸡?我家的蛋,在阳光下照,有一些橘红色的斑,还有一些白色的东东.这样的蛋可以孵出小鸡来吗? 英语的单数变复数this is my friendthat is his watchis she your parent?is it his family photo?he is a mani am an americanit is an orange orangeit is a happy family it is an apple treethere is a woman doctor in the office这些题的答案我都 被臭虫咬了用什么药最有效? 我被臭虫咬了,用什么药好? Does she have brothers or sisters?要选YES ,she does 还是she has sisters?我们一个书上的答案不一样,希望仔细斟酌在给答案 Does she have any brothers or sisters?和Does she have any brothers and sisters?哪个正确?同上.第二个问题:the Janpanese people 是单数还是复数,因为我感觉the Janpanese people是日本民族的意思.Japanese 打错了 does your pen pal speak English or french?和Dose she have any brothers or sisters?都属选择疑问句吗回答的时候都不能用Yes 或no 那为什么七年级下册音频上第一单元B2b,29秒的地方用了yes 来回答呢?希望老师 "Does she have any brother and sisters?" 这句话有动词吗?为什么用"does"? 写一个排比句描写云 ( )brothers and sisters does she have?前面的空应填? 形容男人牛逼的词语?例如猛男,纯爷们之类的继续 用什么叠词来形容牛圈? Please ______(put) your bag over there ( )a bag of books over there?A.Are there B.Is there C.There are 选择! (O______)classroom is here.yours is over there. 一个圆柱型花坛,底面直径是3米,高0.8米,如果里面填土的高度是0.5米,这个花坛中需要填土多少立方米 小学一年级的孩子如何教育 一年级孩子教育方法孩子不愿写作业,拖得时间很长,尤其语文理解能力差老师非说孩子有问题,让去看医生,孩子是你说什么他就是不听,有没有好的主意, 一个晒盐场用100克海水可以晒出3克盐.照这样计算,25000吨这样的海水可以晒出多少吨盐?(用比例解) 一个晒盐场用100克海水可以哂出3克盐,25000吨这样的海水可晒出多少盐? She has brothers and sisters.变否定句She has ___ brothers ___ sisters. She has small eyes My brother has a car I havr long hair 将上句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答分别是三句话 she has an elder brother.变为疑问句 请问这个猫猫到底是什么品种啊?超爱这个猫猫.求答案~~ 猫有多少个种类? 这只猫是什么种类的?谁知道这只是什么猫? 看不太清楚. 谅解啊~看不出来就算了.回答的时候说明一下理由好么……