
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:36:03
中国怎么不在地球里面钻个深洞 菡萏的意思是什么 芙蓉姐姐是啥意思? 小学二年级四个边长3厘米正方形拼成一个长方形周长是多少? 一只眼睛有问题眼药水是滴一只眼还是两只眼?我的眼药水叫 润舒-氯霉素滴眼液 有预防作用吗? 青梅如豆什么意思 夫琅禾费单缝衍射的最大光程差为何为asinθ?同相面是如何推导出的?最好上图,不要复制的 In order to you try hard to struggle 阑干倚处,青梅如豆柳如烟. be hard to 的意思 i went to my english struggle hard是啥意思 青梅如豆柳如眉 哪首诗 be hard to什么意思请回答 It is doomed to be it,I won't struggle.请翻译 在单缝夫郎禾费衍射中,若单缝两边缘点a、b发出的单色平行光到空间某点的光程差为2.5入,则p点处为___(填明或暗)条纹,A,B间可分为___个半波带 有个蓝色的卡通动物还有一个小女孩是什么动漫?还有一只眼和四只眼 只有一只眼睛的动物是什么动物?5岁女儿的问题 甘心.诚实的近义词两个 快 trade distortion是什么意思 做水晶头,八根网线是次序是怎样的? 钢琴模型,要能弹出来声音的那种,得多钱? 求一首英文个,歌词中有no one else,no one else(有e这个音,不一定是else)女唱的,属于快歌.no one else,no one else(有e这个音,不一定是else),...fill the way...she is a beautiful girl好像有这几句. 灾害的近义词是什么? 甘心的近义词 they are (shaking hands)就画线部分提问 英语翻译Each party will respond to all further correspondence by return if possible,but in any event within 7 calendar days of receipt of previous correspondence,until agreement on the Change is reached and recorded in an amendment to the Stateme help 帮我翻译一下 谢谢大家:本单元的学习目标: 感受现代社会的巨大变化,树立应对社会种种变化的良好心态,感受竞争的作用与意义, 学会正确看待竞争,在竞争中树立规则意识和合作意识 英语翻译These propositions are summarised in the model shown in Figure 1.It is proposed that buying for fast fashion encompasses a leagile approach to supply chain management; supplier relationships comprised of a mix of long-standing and short-t ,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darket moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.请问 直线l1,l2的斜率分别是-1/a,-2/3,若l1⊥l2,则实数a的值是—— 请写出过程, 如图,有三条直线L1:x= -2,L2:y=-4与过L1和L2的交点(-2,-4),且斜率为负实数的直线L3,它们与两坐标轴负方向围成的两个三角形面积分别记为S1,S2,求u=1/S1+1/S2的最小值 behind the chairs中文