
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:20:54
Thirty m____ is half an hour 你还在别的什么地方见过他吗?Have you seen him ________? 5名挖土工在5时内挖出了5米长的水沟,如果在100时内挖出100米长的水沟,要用多少名挖土工? have you seen anything 如图是一段水渠的横截面,要挖这样的水渠100米,共挖土多少方?横截面是一个梯形,上底是3.2米,下底是2.2米,高为1.5米 关于离散数学幂等律对于任意集合a,如果a不等于空集,那么a与a的对称差不等于a.但是只有空集满足 空集与空集的对称差等于空集.为什么?附图 I could...是什么时态今天看电影 里面有句台词说:I could be your. 为什么不说I can...?could是虚拟语气么?表示永远也不可能成为?1楼的~恩 不牵扯虚拟语气嘛?那如果想表达虚拟语气呢? There are 60 minutes in an hour数字+minutes不是整体么 为什么用are而不用is类似的 There are ten pence in a pound.penny作为钱 终归为money 也应该看作整体应该用is 'W'is ( )lettle in the alphabet. There are minutes in an hour . There are _______ minutes in an hour. Sixty minutes is a long time.There are sixty minutes in an hour.这两句话都对吗?为什么同样是表示 sixty minutes 两句的的be动词不一样? “What do friends mean to you” 怎么回答?要用英文回答的!和中文的意思! 童谣赞生活怎么写 can能用于过去时态中吗? 孔雀和鹤这篇寓言你有什么启发 孔雀和鹤这则寓言受到的启发是什么 What does friend mean?就是要f=foever,r=什么的啊, 离散数学如何求复合函数g.f1.设R为实数集合,对x属于R,有f(x)=x+2;g(x)=x-2;h(x)=3x,求g.f与h.(g.f)f=(|x属于R),h.(g.f)=(|x属于R).我想问,g.f不是=(|x属于R)吗,这里的复合函数不是将f(x)的x,和g(x)的y组合在一 I wish I could be的英语作文时态我的英语作文开头是I wish I could be a bird.后面打算写如果我做了一只鸟儿,我的家和我的生活是怎样的,用将来时还是一般现在时. An idea came to her (that) she might do the experiment in another way.这是什么从句?An idea came to her (that) she might do the experiment in another way. I have no idea what has happened to him. 请问这2句话是什么从句?判断方法是 You'd better do the experiment by another way.句子改错 The people present was all impressed with his excellent speech It is raining.You can the umbrella today!Tomorrow you can it here.填bring;take还是填什么 Can you take____in the running race tomorrow? give it a shot 的口语意思是什么?是英语的口语,除了‘给他一次射击’以外的意思 I'll give it a give me a positive face shot这句话什么意思 A是第三象限的角,且(sinA)^4+(cosA)^4=5/9,则sin2A=? I have no_____what he was talking about A idea B plan C mind为什么呢 感激不尽:i have no idea .idea 能不能写plan.plan和idea是可数吗 Today,all of a sudden have an idea appears in my Give me your photo! Mai i take your a picture 小弟是‘菜鸟’