
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:43:33
where can I listen to VOA at the normal speed? When you're learning English ,use it ______you'll lose it .A.but B.and C.then D.orA.but B.and C.then D.or 下面两个句子用不同的时态表达有什么不同吗?She will be arriving this morningShe will arrive this morning 这两个英文句子的区别?对时态比较清楚的请进.He will leave as soon as it stops raining .He will leave as soon as it has stopped raining. 对于“百慕大魔鬼三角”解释中的泡沫说是什么意思 辽与北宋之间的战役 1.金政权是怎么样建立的?金与辽的关系如何?_________________________________ 2.金对北宋的战争是正义的 辽、北宋、西夏的战争有哪些具体的战争 北宋与辽的历代战役列出来.北宋与辽的战争,辽乾亨元年至统和二十二年,979—1004,共二十五年.在这25年肯定发生大大小小的战役,请列举出来,不用简介.写出名称和时间就ok,列的越多就多加分. 英文see u, There's heaven above you baby,not hell 百慕大你认为最合理的解释是? 关于百慕大的解释~ 百慕大最科学的解释 I cannot speak English ____he. A. fluentlier than B.fluenty than C. so fuently asD. more fluently as Don't move your head in sorrow ,there's a heaven above following是形容词,第一句话正确,below是副词怎么能修饰pictures呢?难道below还有形容词的词性? 英译中:Machines below the following specifications 选择:We like strawberries.Do you like______?A.th选择:We like strawberries.Do you like______?A.them B.that.C.one.D.it What's on the desk?------There're some model planes on it.为什么是What's 不是What're. The patient was warned _ oil food after the operation.A.to eat not B.eating not C.not to eat D.not eating C此题不定式是作宾语还是宾补 宾补是不是宾语 宾补在宾语后面吗? with+宾语+ 现在分词(宾语与宾补之间为主谓关系) 过去分词(宾语与宾补之间为动宾关系) She feels worse ,a_____she has had some medicine填什么(根据首字母a填) ''And she needs to t ___some very strong medicine.'' SHE FEELS HUNGRY,SO SHE (ASK) FOR SOME FOOD.括号中的动词填什么形式 名片设计里的”出血”是什么意思? 是括号后面的逗号 请问 第三行的括号是什么意思 还有这一行的逗号 编程中的括号,逗号之类的在什么情况下用?每次都担心少个或多个符号.求所有符号所代表的意义! beneath和below的区别?below是和above相对应的上下,那前者也是...的下面,怎么区别